Monday 26 March 2012

New York Post kinda, sorta congratulates Tiger Woods on his win

If you've ever had the opportunity to read the New York Post before, then you know the paper is known for its outlandish headline that usually cross the "Is this appropriate?" line on a daily basis.

So it should come as no surprise that when Tiger Woods broke his two-plus year official tournament win drought on Sunday at Bay Hill, the Post decided to put Tiger on the cover.

And after covering Hydrant-gate, you just knew the paper wouldn't let sleeping dogs lie and go with the standard "Tiger's back!" headline. No sir. Instead, the Post went with "Look out, Ladies!," hinting that Woods' win was not only a turning point in his career ... but in his love life.

Here we go again. It was done in jest, of course, but you just knew the New York post was going to go there. And they certainly did. Even still, it was pretty tame by their standards.

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